Heart's Cry Lyrics & Chords
By Henry & Sharon Van Wyk
Verse 1 (D)
For many (G)
years now, you’ve been (A)
part of my (D)
life. (A)
We’ve walked to(Em)
gether through the (A)
good times and the (D)
trials. You've always (A)
been there, never holding back, you (Bm)
gladly gave your all With a (A)
passion for His kindom and a (D)
thirst to hed the call Chorus (D)
I know your (Em)
heart’s cry; (D)
I know your earnest desire To follow the (A)
perfect will and leading of our (D)
Lord. Because your (G)
heart’s cry has (A)
helped lead (D)
so many home, I want my (Em)
heart’s cry to be (A)
just like (D)
yours. Verse 2 For all the precious moments you have prayed alone, And all the midnight hours counseling on the phone; You’ve always been there, never holding back, You gladly gave your all, with a passion for His kingdom, and a thirst to heed the call.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.