He Was Nailed To The Cross For Me Lyrics & Chords

By F. A. Graves

(D)What a wonderful, wonderful (A)Savior,
Who would die on the cross for (D)me!
Freely shedding His precious (A)lifeblood,
That the sinner might be made (D)free.


(D)He was nailed to the cross for (A)me,
He was nailed to the cross for (D)me;
On the cross crucified for (G)me He (D)died;
He was nailed to the (A)cross for (D)me.

(D)Thus He left His heavenly (A)glory,
To accomplish His Father’s (D)plan;
He was born of the virgin (A)Mary,
Took upon Him the form of (D)man.

He was wounded for our trans(A)gressions,
And He carried our sorrows, (D)too;
He’s the Healer of ev’ry (A)sickness,
This He came to the world to (D)do.

(D)So He gave His life for (A)others
In Redeeming this world from (D)sin,
And He’s gone to prepare a (A)mansion,
That at last we may enter (D)in.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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