Gethsemane Lyrics & Chords

By Billy Smith & W.B. Waldrop

(D)On a hillside so lonely, Knelt (G)Jesus one (D)day, Soul wounded and weary, He (E)went there to (A)pray; (D)By friends there forsaken, So (G)lonely He (D)feels, To heaven He's crying in (A)helpless (D)here. Chorus (D)But a golden day has broken in (G)old Gethsema(D)ne, The mornings all come singing The (E)songs of victo(A)ry; (D)There's a new highway to glory, The (G)road that Jesus (D)trod, With a halo we're trav'ling (A)the pathway to (D)God. On a hillside and garden Such suff'ring I see; In humble submission, He's making His plea; His blood-streams are bursting, Come sinner, be true, His cheeks are stained crimson For me and for you. O, the shadows are creeping, The Savior in pain, The dark skies are weeping, With dewdrops as rain; The angels bear witness To Jesus divine, Surrendered completely, O, Savior of mine. But a new day is breaking, The vict'ry is won, The flowers rejoicing, A new day is born; The angels exclaiming, Sweet music they chime, For crowning of Jesus, Your Savior and mine.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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