Broken (Don't Pass Me By) Lyrics & Chords
By IBC College
(G)Lord I am broken, my life is in (Em)pieces But your strength is (C)perfect in all of my weak(D)ness (G)Lord I am broken, my life is in (Em)pieces But your strength is (C)perfect in all of my weak(D)ness (G)Jesus, (Em)Jesus, (C)Jesus, (D)Jesus I'm calling you, (G)Jesus, (Em)Jesus, (C)Jesus, (D)Jesus I'm calling you (G)I know I'm (Em)broken but you can (C)heal me Jesus (D)Jesus, I'm calling you (G)I know I'm (Em)broken but you can (C)heal me Jesus (D)Jesus, I'm calling you (G)I might not be (Em)worth much But I'm still (C)willing Jesus (D)Jesus I'm calling you (G)I might not be (Em)worth much But I'm still (C)willing Jesus (D)Jesus I'm calling you
Easy chords for beginers. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.