Ancient Words Lyrics & Chords
By Michael W Smith
(G)Holy words (D)long pre(G)served, For our (C)walk in this (D)world
They re(Em)sound with (D)God's own (G)heart, O let the (C)ancient (D)words im(G)part(C)(G)
Words of life, (D)Words of (G)hope, Give us (C)strength, Help us (D)cope
In this (Em)world where (D)e'er we (G)roam, Ancient (C)words will (D)guide us (G)homeChorus
(G)Ancient words ever (D)true, Changing (Am)me and changing (C)you
(D)We have (Em)come with (D)open (G)hearts, O let the (C)ancient (D)words im(G)part(C)(G)(G)Holy words (D)of our (G)faith, handed (C)down to this (D)age
Came to (Em)us through (D)sacri(G)fice, O heed the (C)faithful (D)words of (G)Christ(C)(G)
Holy words (D)long pre(G)served, For our (C)walk in this (D)world
They re(Em)sound with (D)God's own (G)heart, O let the (C)ancient (D)words im(G)part.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.