A Little More Like You Lyrics & Chords

By Ivan Parker

Verse 1 Grant me your holiness Make me devoted deep within I plead for patience in my trials And more sorrow for my sin A deeper faith in you Dear Lord, please give me everyday Let me find joy in my journey And more purpose when I pray Chorus This is my prayer Lord, when this day is through Was I a little less like me And a little more like you My lone desire In all I say or do Was I a little less like me And a little more like you Verse 2 Give me more gratitude Help me to love you even more And take pride only in your glory And trust only in your word Let me shed sorrow's tears When others pain, when others grieve And may my neighbor please see Jesus Every time that they see me Chorus This is my prayer Lord, when this day is through Was I a little less like me And a little more like you My lone desire In all I say or do Was I a little less like me And a little more like you

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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